Planning & Analysis is a key process followed in SWPC operations, it help in analyzing
the capacity needed by developers in order to meet growing changing in urban demands &
determine the needed capacity. Capacity Planning & Analysis team are actively responsible to
give the outlook for KSA’s Saudi Water Partnership Company (SWPC) planned projects along
five water asset classes: (1) Desalination plants, (2) Sewage Treatment Plants (3) Strategic
Reservoirs (4) Drinkable Water Transmission line & (5) Water Dams. The development of this
outlook capitalized on a number of water policies & in line with the new vision & strategic
direction for the water sector in KSA. The overarching intent of this activity is to bridge any gaps
in the water production, water transmission, strategic storage, treatment capacities & water
dams utilization by analyzing supply and demand over the next 7 years, and planning for
projects accordingly with all stakeholders and conducting surveys among the water sector.